Online reputation for your business nowadays is very important and must not be just taken for granted. The life of your business will be greatly affected when someone make misleading, inaccurate or negative links in your search engine results. It will adversely affect the impression of your business when people will “Google” or search your business online. Unfavorable search engine results can greatly influence how your insurance companies, loan officers, potential clients and business partners. Enter a new kind of service on the web, it’s an online reputation management services that will help you protect your search results and your reputation online. It will monitor and suppress misleading or inaccurate links, protect your business from online attacks, distance yourself from others with your name, increase your online credibility and authority. It offers 3 types of plan depending on your online reputation status. It start for as low as $129 per year to $5,000 per year which is recommended for someone with high-ranking negative content with some popularity and a common name but for someone with not much negative content and with no online presence and little online visibility the lowest plan will do you good already for a start. It also offer the middle plan which is called ReputationDefender 3000 if you want to avail of it.