Credit programs let those with poor credit or bad credit pay for expensive items. A creditor agrees to loan an individual a set amount of money with the promise that the individual will make installment payments until paying off the final amount plus any interest. Often used by auto dealers, these programs let you reach more customers and get those customers to your dealership. Targeted direct mail solutions can help you reach those shoppers.

What is Targeted Direct Mail?

A targeted direct mail program is a program that lets you specifically target people with bad credit, poor credit or no credit. This can include those with a foreclosure or bankruptcy on their credit report, recent high school graduates or college students and those with some problems on their credit reports. Instead of wasting money on television and radio commercials that might have little return on your investment, these programs offer big rewards and high sales.

Why Use Direct Mail Solutions?

There are a few different ways that you can advertise the cars that you have for sale, including commercials that you run over the radio or on television, ads placed in local newspapers and online classified ads. Those methods target a wide range of people and won’t specifically target those with poor credit or those searching for new cars. With direct mail solutions, you can send information to those who visited your lot before, expressed interest in buying a car or filled out contact information online. Certified Mail Experts and other similar sites can help you find the right solution for your dealership.