There is something we have to clarify from the very beginning. CBD products do not have the purpose of getting you high. It’s the other way around, considering that one of the benefits is that they help reduce anxiety – in both people and pets.
CBS also goes by the name cannabidiol and it will be called like this is the following article as well. Cannabidiol is right now trending and not only among people. Believe it or not, CBD is good for your four-legged friend as well. This is possible because it interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system (which both people and pets have) and this system helps maintain homeostasis.
If you are still wondering about the possibility of giving your pet CBD or if you are having a second thought, you should read this article, where a researcher and vet gives some useful explanation:
A list of some types of CBD products for pets you can find on the market
CBD oils are extracted from hemp. Then, because they are very strong, they have to be diluted into another oil, for example, coconut oil. These oils can be applied in two different ways: the first way would be to place it under the tongue with a dropper (well, this if you can get your pet to hold still) and the other way would be by spraying it inside the cheek. This might be easier to do.
The best thing about this way of administration is that the oils go directly into the bloodstream, so it would take approximately 30 minutes until the pet feels the calming effects of the oil.
Of course, if it’s impossible for you to keep your pet still, you can add CBD oils or tinctures to its food. But you must know that if given this way, it will take a little bit longer for the pet to feel the effects because the oil will have to be processed by the liver first.
When using oils and tinctures, you must respect the recommended dosage. Please, even if your pet is feeling bad, do not exaggerate. The oils are strong and concentrated and you do not want to hurt your furry friend. Here is a cute and informative article on how CBD gummies or tinctures can help calm both people and dogs.
Well, what animal does not love treats? They all do! So, if you are not a fan of oils and you think they are a little bit difficult to use, you can always go for treats. Not exaggerating is also important, please always use the indicated dosage for your pet – according to its weight or condition.
Treats might kick in in 45 minutes, but it could also last 90 minutes. It’s the same as oils in food because the liver will have to process it first.
CBD is recommended for a variety of pets
It’s true that so far, most of the experiments related to CBD were performed on rats and not on dogs. So, there is no written proof of the fact that is was created especially for dogs. But we already know that it is good for humans and we know that the two share the body’s endocannabinoid system. And there are also declarations of pet owners and vets who support CBD usage for dogs.
If you have a cat, you already know this thing: cats are extremely picky when it comes to food. Maybe you are one of the few owners who do not have a problem with their cat’s diet, but most of them do. This is because some cats only eat canned food, while others only want to eat mice and birds. Yes, it’s in their nature and a cat must eat meat daily. CBD is a good nutritional supplement and it helps with diet.
If you want to find out more, visit this site and see why Holistapet hemp is great for your pet.
CBD products are recommended not only for people but for pets as well. They are good for dogs, cats, and even horses or mice. CBD comes is a lot of forms, from oils to balms or treats and we recommend you talk to your vet before giving cannabidiol to your pets.